Kepler-452b: Is This the Promised Earth-like Planet?

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10 Reasons for Kepler-452b Could be an Earth-like Planet.

Kepler-452b is about 60 percent larger than Earth and has a nearly identical orbit as our planet.

Foreign, yet similar to Earth in many ways

The surface of Kepler-452b is probably covered with liquid water, essential for life as we know it.

All the necessary ingredients for sustaining life

 The climate on Kepler-452b is probably habitable for humans or other life forms that can tolerate a slightly warmer environment.

Moderate climate

Kepler-452b receives about 10% more sunlight than Earth, making it a little warmer than our planet.

Hospitable atmosphere

The surface of Kepler-452b is probably covered with liquid water, essential for life as we know it.

Close enough to its sun to support liquid water

We may one day be able to visit or even relocate to Kepler-452b

Could support a human population

There may be plant and animal life on Kepler-452b, similar to what we find on Earth.

Abundant plant and animal life

Kepler-452b is the first potentially habitable Earth-like planet discovered in our Milky Way galaxy.

 Diverse terrain

It is located in the constellation Cygnus, about 1,400 light years from Earth.

Plentiful resources

If there are intelligent aliens living on Kepler-452b, they may be similar to us in many ways.

An ideal location for a new colony

The Search for Another Earth| (Earth 2.0): How Kepler-452b Offers Hope in the Quest for New Habitats

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